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Technology Is Evolving At Lightning Speed -- Can Your Teams Keep Up?
Employee engagement isn't enough. You need team-level and coachability insights to drive better results. 

How Kaizenex Builds Better Teams?
TQ and CQ...

Building high performing teams requires creating a culture where encouraging the right conversations around team performance is put first, feedback isn't feared, learning isn't optional, and growth is a continuous journey. This is where the Rocket Model™  (TQ) and Coachability (CQ) come together -- one provides the structure while the other ensures that every individual within that structure can grow, adapt, and thrive.   

Team Building Without A Roadmap:
What's Missing?

Rocket Model Logo for Kaizenex_London_TeamsJoseph_Hewes



Ask 40 leaders how they build teams. You'll get 40 different responses. Here's the big takeaway. Without a structured roadmap, you're setting up your teams for failure. Your teams can't guess. Choosing a well-designed team roadmap not only encourages your teams to have right conversations, stay focused, get aligned and on the fast track to achieving their goals. It neatly integrates the Team Assessment Survey© (built around the Rocket Model™)  and proven team improvement tools to demand accountability and encourage the right conversations. 

5 Components  to Scale Effective Teamwork

The Rocket

A proven framework that is backed by solid research and consistently aligns with what we know about team dynamics. Designed to turbo charge team effectiveness. It simplifies team building with a common language everyone can understand. So simple, a 9-year-old can understand. 

The Team Assessment Survey©

The Team Assessment Survey©, is a versatile tool designed to elevate the performance of groups, teams, committees, and task forces. Based on the 8 key components of the Rocket Model, it offers valuable insights into current strengths, areas for improvement, and global team benchmarks. It provides detailed insight about the extent to which people operate either as a group or a team. Takes 15 minutes to complete. Think of it as a GPS for teams, pinpointing what the team needs to more of to be high performing.

A Guide To Build High Performing Teams

This book was created to give practical advice for solving and overcoming common team dilemmas. It has step by step instructions for the 40 team improvement activities. It is available to purchase online.

Facilitator Support Materials

We save you 100+hours with ready-made PowerPoint decks, forms, and handouts to save time and to make this all applicable. To make best use of the resources, we suggest you the team all completes the Team Assessment Survey©.

eLearning Modules

Take advantage of our new eLearning modules to make teamwork accessible to everyone. Individual contributors and junior level employees can get ahead and start learning how to build teams. Imagine the Ignition Book and the Rocket Model™ being accessed in seconds. We are now transitioning from a purely HTML-based e-learning platform to a more versatile Articulate Storyline version. The new version will be available from September 1st, 2024, and any client purchasing the existing version can make the switch without further cost.

2 Rules Required to Scale Effective Teamwork

Common Language for Team Building

Choose a common language for team building that everyone understands and follows. One that can build high performing teams at speed. The Rocket Model and Team Assessment Survey© has been proven to do exactly that.

Include Team-level Performance

Safeguard your teams now by including teams in every discussion and conversations moving forward. Start including team-level performance metrics in your people strategy.

Typically, we start at the top. Delivering team engagements to your top teams or those critical to strategy formulation and execution. After, you train mid-level leaders and high potentials how to build teams. The key is to apply the Rocket Model and Team Assessment Survey©, the Ignition book, and team facilitator support materials into your engagements and leadership development programmes.Providing Rocket Model Certification trainings to your HRBPs, OD/OE staff, L&D staff, and Agile Consultants helps you overcome the challenge of relying on external consultants. Some organisations decide to build a Teams COE, where they build a team of individuals who oversee team effectiveness.Organisations that take advantage of the Team Assessment Survey©. Start using the powerful tool measure teamwork across the organisation. This provides teams benchmarking feedback so they can compare themselves to other teams across the organisation. The Rocket Model and Team Assessment Survey© were designed to make teamwork applicable and accessible to everyone.

gets measured
gets managed

Over the past 40 years, the leadership development and leadership assessment industry have done very little to train leaders how to build teams. We train leaders how to coach. We train leaders how to set goals. We train leaders how to provide feedback. But all those skills are focused on one-on-one interactions between a leader and a direct report. At Kaizenex, we have one focus and one focus only and that is to upskill leaders in developing their team building ability. We believe a leader’s ability to build teams is an individual difference measure. That’s why we measure it using TQ with our Team Assessment Survey.

Rocket Model High Performing Teams _Joseph_Hewes

Our clients who make teamwork a top priority

Novo Nordisk_Kaizenex_London_Teams
State of Colorado_Kaizenex_Rocket Model TeamsJoseph_Hewes
Joseph Hewes was a great instructor when I took the Rocket Model Workshop led by Gordon Curphy. Joseph's style and approach was very approachable and he is clearly an expert in teams. In today world, Joseph is also a master of impactful and powerful communications. Which is no easy feat. If you're looking for support to improve team performance, would definitely recommend Joseph."

Christopher Sprague

Director of Organizational Effectiveness


With 42% of people reporting leaving jobs due to bad team experiences. But 99% of people believe they are
“a good team member"

Yup – team members are performance multipliers for leaders. So having a measurement in place using our Team Assessment Survey© provides focus for leaders to guide their teams to have the right discussions on disagreements facing the team. It pinpoints the strengths and areas in need of improvement across the 8 key components of the Rocket Model™ and even goes into detail about to what extent the team operates a group vs a team. Often overlooked.

Most organisations and teams don’t have a

A roadmap for team building based on solid research – with a common language everyone can understand

A measurement of team building ability.

We use TQ.

Team solution that scales and considers the whole organisation – not just one team.


That’s why we built the Rocket Model, the Team Assessment Survey© , Ignition: A Guide to Build High Performing Teams, the Facilitator Support Materials and eLearning modules to make teamwork applicable and accessible to everyone.

In the last five years, we’ve helped over 3500+ teams (like yours) upskill on team building ability using TQ. Our research collected from over 3500+ teams show 80% of leaders believe they build and lead effective teams. Only 20% of team members agree. 


This is the biggest barrier we see in scaling effective teamwork in organisations. There’s a great opportunity for us to help teams in organisations.


If you’re looking to shift your focus to teams.

I’d love for you to give our scalable team solution a try.

Joseph Hewes

CEO & Founder of Kaizenex

Asked Questions

How many people do you need to complete a Team Assessment Survey?

Minimum of 3 people. Maximum of 25 people

What reports are generated?

For £500, you get 2 reports. 1st report looks at the overall score of the Team. The 2nd report looks at the Teams Score vs the Team Leader. On average we see Leaders rate their ability to build teams 25% higher than what team members report.

How long does a leader need to be in place before requesting the TAS?

At least 6 months. This should be enough time for their leadership behaviours to emerge and impact team dynamics and performance.

What if you want to run the TAS before 6 months?

Our approach to teamwork is flexible. By choosing a common language for teams (the Rocket Model) and applying it to the team. You can easily run the TAS after 3 months. Get in touch for questions.

What are some of the arguments supporting the use of the Team Assessment Survey as a measure of Leadership Effectiveness, or Performance?

Bob Hogan has long maintained that direct reports are the best sources of information when it comes to dark side traits manifestations and team dynamics. We agree and believe direct reports are in better positions to judge whether leaders are capable of building high performing teams then assessors making judgements based on self-reported interviews, personality, and work values results.

Can we use the TAS to select external candidates?

For a wide variety of reasons, the team assessment survey should not be used when selecting external candidates.

When will our work with the TAS most likely go wrong?

When the team leader is unlikely to do anything about the results. They are unwilling to invest the effort required to build a more effective team. This is what absentee leadership is.

What role should the Team Leader play in their TAS feedback sessions?

We would suggest that you contract with the team leader in advance of the team assessment survey feedback session to agree on roles and responsibilities. It’s a good time for team leaders to practise leading from behind. They Should enable an empower their team members to facilitate various team improvement activities. They should not, report back from breakout groups or take on the role of ‘scribe’. this is the time for the team to work as a unit and not be directly led by one person. Even if it is the team leader.

If we use the TAS as part of an exercise in leadership assessment, to what extent is it necessary to control for the number of raters?

From a statistics perspective, the rating of 10 direct reports will be more reliable, accurate, and therefore more predictive than the ratings from a single assessor. There is overwhelming evidence showing that well designed statistical algorithms always out predict clinical judgements. This is the process used to identify the “You Might Like This” on products when making Amazon purchases.

What are the main shortcomings of the TAS?

The Team Assessment Survey©. The TAS is by no means a perfect measure of a team's building ability. But It's a huge improvement compared to what we are using now.

How do we overcome objections relating to the context-dependent nature of TAS results?

We know that 360-degree feedback results are highly dependent on situational factors, yet we still use them to provide feedback. The same holds true for the Team Assessment Survey©. Sometimes leaders are ineffective in building teams, and sometimes they manage high performing teams. Despite having little to do to make this happen. Both realities are reflected in the Team Assessment Survey results.

eLearning Modules: Why the Transition to Articulate Storyline?

Our decision to switch to Articulate Storyline stems from our commitment to providing a platform that not only meets the current technological standards but also offers our clients the flexibility they need. Here are some of the key benefits of this transition: Enhanced flexibility: Clients with in-house e-learning teams can now integrate additional resources directly into the Rocket Model training. For instance, links to supplementary training like their leadership courses. Direct Branding Control: Changes in branding or corporate identity can be directly implemented by the clients themselves (if they have an administrator in-house), without the need for external assistance, ensuring that the e-learning materials are always aligned with the company's current branding guidelines. Multi-Language Support: We are expanding our capabilities to include multiple languages within the Storyline environment, making the Rocket Model accessible to our global audience. The new version will be available from September 1st, 2024, and any client purchasing the existing version can make the switch without further cost.

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